Wednesday, April 24th

👍 Facebook Blocked News in Canada; Now Facts Get Lost

What’s In This Email

  • Facebook blocked news in Canada; now facts get lost

  • Millennials and Gen Z are “hacking” their finances

  • Move over MySpace, Nospace has entered the chat

  • Retreat to the local Wander the Resort for some R&R

  • Notable Spotlight: Notable People: Ashley Kelly

  • Notable Plug 🔌 


Facebook Blocks News in Canada: Memes Take Over, Facts Get Lost

Meta's decision to block news on Facebook in Canada to avoid paying news outlets has had some negative consequences.

Key takeaways

  • Memes replace news: Canadians are turning to memes and other unverified content for political information, leading to a potential decline in informed political discourse.

  • Spread of misinformation: Engagement with unreliable sources has increased, which could be especially harmful during elections.

  • Impact on democracy: Reduced access to quality journalism might undermine informed decision-making by citizens.

Why This Matters: Even though you might not get your news from Facebook anymore, this story is important. It shows how social media platforms can influence the kind of information you see and how easily misinformation can spread. Be extra critical of the content you consume online, especially during elections.

Read the full article here.

Forget Fancy Coffee, Millennials and Gen Z are "Hacking" their Finances

Are you scrambling to afford rent, student loans, and that daily latte? You're not alone. Millennials and Gen Z face a unique set of financial hurdles, from a soaring housing market to skyrocketing education costs. Traditionally, building wealth meant steady savings and maybe a dabble in real estate. But these days, young adults are getting resourceful, turning to creative (and sometimes risky) strategies to "hack" their way to financial stability.

Hacking the System: A Look at Popular Strategies

A recent report by Policygenius surveyed over 4,000 U.S. adults and found that a whopping 60% of Millennials and Gen Z have tried at least one financial "hack." Here's a breakdown of some popular methods:

  • Credit Card Rewards: This involves strategically using credit cards with rewards programs to rack up points or cashback for everyday purchases. It can be a smart strategy, but remember—responsible credit card use is key! High-interest rates can quickly erase any reward gains if you carry a balance.

  • No-Spend Challenges: Popularized by social media, these challenges involve going cold turkey on spending (except for essentials) for a set period. They can be a great way to reset your spending habits and boost your savings, but they're not a sustainable long-term strategy.

  • Infinite Banking: This involves overfunding a whole life insurance policy and then borrowing against it as a source of credit. It's a complex strategy with hidden fees and risks, and experts generally advise against it for most people.

  • Day Trading: This involves buying and selling stocks frequently in hopes of quick profits. It can be incredibly risky, especially for beginners, and losses can happen fast.

The Allure and the Danger of Social Media Finance

Many young adults discover these hacks through social media, but be cautious! While online communities can be a great resource for financial tips, be wary of anything promising instant riches. Building wealth takes time, discipline, and a solid understanding of financial principles.

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Financial hacks can be a fun way to experiment, but they shouldn't replace the basics. Here are some key strategies to focus on:

  • Budgeting: Knowing where your money goes is essential. Create a budget that outlines your income and expenses, and stick to it as closely as possible.

  • Building an Emergency Fund: Aim to save 3-6 months of living expenses to cover unexpected costs. This will prevent you from going into debt during emergencies.

  • Debt Management: Develop a plan to pay down high-interest debt like credit cards. Prioritize this before focusing on investing.

  • Investing for the Long Term: Even small, regular investments can add up significantly over time. Consider low-cost index funds as a safe and steady way to grow your wealth.

The Bottom Line

Financial wellness is a marathon, not a sprint. While creative strategies can be a helpful tool, don't get caught up in risky hacks or unrealistic expectations from social media. Focus on building strong financial habits and knowledge – that's the key to unlocking long-term financial security.

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Move over MySpace, here comes Nospace - the Gen Z app with a 380K person waitlist.

See the video below.

Gen Z is turning back the digital age clock. Tiffany Zhong spent the last decade studying social media habits and used the information to ... See more

Looking for resort vibes, but local?

Look no further than Wander the Resort in Prince Edward Country.

See the image below.

Soak, sip and sauna this spring at Wander the Resort. ☀️ Day Passes for the pools available now until June 20th. #wandertheresort #prince... See more




🎙️ Get Into It: Smartr podcast. Big Tech is at the height of its power, so why are so many people losing faith in Silicon Valley? We've lived through the 'techlash' -- it's time for tech to lash back. Join venture capital legend Noa Lukas as he profiles the monopolies of tomorrow and helps them nail down that billion-dollar valuation, addict a global user base, or move past their recent human rights-related "messaging difficulties.” Innovation is a zero-sum game, and whether you're a hacker, a founder or a legacy player being left behind, Noa has the track record and the expertise you need to play Smarter. Listen on Apple or Spotify.

📄 Notable Hires: Regional Product Marketing Manager @ Flight Centre Travel Group (hybrid, Ontario)

🎓 Hope This Helps: The Only Excel Formula and VBA AI assistant that approaches human-level expertise. handles real-world Excel structure and solves complicated formula/VBA assignments far better than other “toy” formula bots, Copilot and ChatGPT.

🌍 Notable Destinations: Toronto to Berlin ($783 - $1350) 
Dates: May 6 - May 13. Click on this link to see the deal.

🧠 Today We Learned: In the early 1900s, electric cars accounted for a third of all vehicles on the road.

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Notable Life is Canada for young professionals, entrepreneurs, and culture generators operated by The Notable Group. Notable Daily inspires ideas and sharpens the minds of over 40,000 top-tier professionals in competitive industries.

Disclosure: While we utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to assist with certain aspects of content development, all information provided in our content is thoroughly vetted and edited by our team of humans. We strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of all information. However, we recommend that readers conduct research or seek professional advice to make informed decisions. This email may contain sponsored content.